Thank you for interest in the Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association

Nearly 45 years ago, a group of Winnipeg Sheltie breeders all sharing an infinite love for their Shelties, got together one cold January evening, and decided to form a sheltie club.

They had a vision and a common goal: to associate themselves to work together for the betterment and furtherance of their shelties; to disseminate knowledge; sportsmanship, and friendly competition; to have the welfare of the Shetland Sheepdog at heart; and to do their utmost to direct the club towards the purpose and ideals for which it was created.

Thus, the Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association was born.

Since that time, the members of WASSA have grown to include sheltie fanciers throughout Winnipeg and the province of Manitoba, with interests beyond breeding and showing their dogs. These interests include all levels of activities, from social and educational activities to competitive events such as obedience, rally, agility, herding, and companion ownership.

The members of WASSA are very active in the sheltie community, and are looking forward to expanding our focus in the coming years. From seminars to shows, to potlucks and picnics, annual awards and walks in the park... there is something for everyone sharing a common love of getting together and doing things with our shelties.

As we move forward and look to the future, some of our goals include a number of new activities and social events for our members and to provide recognition in all areas of competition and events available to the Sheltie fancier today.

We are proud of all we have achieved over the years and look forward to all that is yet to come.

For information about becoming a member of WASSA, please view our Membership Page.

Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association

Copyright 2012 © Winnipeg Area Shetland Sheepdog Association
All images, including artwork, logo, photos, and content are copyright protected.